Boylston Parks and Recreation
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Stay-at-home Readiness Class

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This class is for one parent/guardian and child pair. This class is intended for children ready to begin to staying home by themselves - or children that have been staying home alone already, but could benefit from learning how to keep themselves safer.

Though the State of Massachusetts has no laws indicating when children are allowed to stay home alone, generally twelve is considered a standard age, though some parents start a bit earlier and others start later based on their child's maturity level.

Amanda, of Fiske's Emergency Medical Training, will discuss important topics necessary for your child to know and teach skills they will need to independently and safely stay at home by themselves. Different scenarios that could potentially occur and ways that your child could appropriately respond will be addressed, including big emergencies like fire, and smaller scenarios like someone knocking at the door. 

Completing this class does not guarantee your child's safety while they are alone, but it will give them the skills and confidence to handle emergencies and smaller situations if they present. Every child matures at a different rate and has different capacities for responding to stressful situations, so it is ultimately up to you, the parent/guardian, to assess if they possess the skills, maturity level, and general capability to stay home alone - and for how long. This is a great tool to help you gauge their readiness and you will now know what they know. It will also help reinforce things you may have talked to them about, but it is always helpful for them to hear from someone else as well.

If you decide your child is ready, you will both gain peace of mind, knowing they have been given a multitude of information they need to successfully stay alone for increasing increments of time.

This class is expected to last about two hours, however, depending on how active the discussion and question/answer periods are, it may run shorter or longer.

Additional siblings or an additional parent/guardian may attend for a $20 fee each.

Feel free to call the office with any questions at 774-317-9254.

The Parks & Recreation Department reserves the right to cancel any program for any reason, though typically lack of enrollment. If the Parks & Recreation Department cancels this program, we will initiate refunds of any payments made to the department, minus the banking fees which we cannot return.

The Parks & Recreation Department and Fiske's Emergency Medical Training make no guarantees that your child will be safe in any stay-at-home scenario upon completion of the class. All attendees agree to the Town of Boylston Waiver of Liability and agree to hold harmless from all liability the Town of Boylston, Fiske's Emergency Medical Training, the Parks and Recreation Department, and all their employees and volunteers.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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